Signs of Life

The past year has been extremely busy, and I had very little time to game, let alone paint or model.  I did manage to get pretty deep into my Iron Warriors army for Epic:  Armageddon over the Summer, but I never did quite get around to posting up in-progress pictures or finished model shots.

I will be updating the blog again soon with some progress shots, but I figured I'd put up a post now giving an idea of what I'm working on.  My goal is to work on one detachment a week for an Epic army, or one terrain piece/set (I have a lot of gun emplacements to build for my artillery, for example), until I have to start packing up to move in May/June.  I think that's a reasonable goal, if only because most of the units I have left to paint are at max, 6 bases in size. ;)

I made it most of the way through my Iron Warriors and I have a solid core painted up for the army (I need to decide upon and finish off basing them though).  I still have a lot of ancillary units that need completing and painting though, among them Terminators, Havoks in Land Raiders, a Basilisk company, an Ordinatus, and a Ravager Titan among others (and not necessarily in that order).  Most blog updates will involve this army for the foreseeable future, as I'd like to finish off one project relatively fully before I jump to the next.

I'm totally rebooting my Knights.  I wasn't super-thrilled with my paint scheme, and it was a royal pain to paint up besides.  Since I wanted to use Metallica as my Titan Legion, I'm a little miffed that GW decided to make House Raven so unimaginatively red.  The question is whether I want to use House Raven for my Knights, or come up with another (less purple and yellow) Knight Household to serve alongside my Titans.  I did like using purple, although the specific Knight models I'm using don't lend themselves easily to the classic heraldry patterns, so I may not try for a checked or quartered scheme this time.

There's something to be said for Raven's Mechanicus Standard Red as it will show up nicely on the table and will go well with a slashed or chevroned black and white pattern, but that's exactly what I'm using on Legio Metallica, so the Knights will be largely unremarkable next to them.  I'm just not painting that much yellow or white again; it was a real hassle when I first started working on Knights.

Epic:  Armageddon Project List:
1)  Finish Iron Warriors (~70% complete)
2)  Knight World or Adeptus Mechanicus Titan Legion
2)  Adeptus Mechanicus Titan Legion or Knight World
4)  Minervan Tank Regiment
5)  Black Templar?
