Ooph. So yeah, lost access to my Flickr account sometime after my last blog post (thanks, Yahoo), shifted gears into preparing for a move out of state, executed that move, dealt with dog health issues, and oh yeah, the year of COVID.
Well, I managed to get a dozen or so models painted for Shieldbash in the second half of 2020, and built and primed a whole bunch of stuff for Necromunda, magnetize tanks for Epic... and that was it.
Things picked back up in early 2021. I finished the other half of said Shieldbash warband (pictures here), polished off a few titan weapons, and dove into painting a Reaver and a Warlord for Tempestus in Adeptus Titanicus, and that's just my start for the year. Oh yeah, and I set up a new Flickr account so I can actually support the blog with pictures again ;)
Hoping to work on the following during the remainder of the year:
- Finish off a bunch of Dark Mechanicum Skitarii (Epic)
- Build and paint a Siegelord and a Banelord (Epic)
- Build & paint a Warmaster for my Tempestus force (AT18)
- Paint up a Van Saar gang (Necromunda)
- Paint up Jaarl for (Shieldbash)
- Get started on a Legio Astorum force (AT18)
- Maybe get to my Orlocks as a stretch goal (NM17)
- And dear god I need to paint some terrain for Epic/AT18 and Necromunda already
So yeah, onto the newly painted minis, then!
Here's everything I've painted up for Shieldbash since August of 2020. This is everything in the model range, plus a few conversions (second berserker, both bug cavalry).
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