2023.08.15 Yep, still here.

 So I let this go for a while, mostly because I lost access to my Photobucket account and it was too much of a hassle to bother trying to get it back, and I didn't realize I could upload photos to Blogger directly rather than having to host images elsewhere.  In the meantime, I more or less moved entirely to Instagram for a few years... but I'd like to be able to funnel some WIP & painting shots to the Tactical Command forums, so let's see if I can get this blog back off the ground & use it as an image host for Taccoms...

So what've I been up to?  A whole lot of work for Tempestus, a little bit of work for my Iron Warriors, a whole new Loyalist Legio in Gryphonicus, and I finished off my True Atronians for Shieldbash.

For this post, I'll go through the Tempestus updates.

After I finished up the two Warlords and the Reaver in the previous post, I spend a while working on the Warmaster (February/March 2022), and later in the fall added a Dire Wolf (August/September 2022):

Ultima Ratio Regum (The Final Argument of Kings):

Fulgur Ferram (Lighting Bearer):

After that, I bounced through a handful of fun weapons additions in late Autumn, none of which have any in-game rules (and two of which have since been obsoleted by GW adding their own versions):

A Warlord Rad Cannon (thinking of using this as an Experimental Weapon Volkite Eradicator):

A Reaver graviton cannon:

A Reaver conversion beamer:

So yeah, clearly someone at Forgeworld is watching BattleBling and taking notes, because in late, late 2022 and mid 2023, FW released graviton cannons and conversion beamers ;)

I didn't get a chance to work on these until May/June 2023, but I'm a sucker for new weapons options:

Warlord Graviton Ruinators and Conversion Beam Extirpators:

Reaver & Warhound Graviton Destructors and Conversion Beam Dissolutors

There's some design elements I liked a little better about the BattleBling designs (the grav cannon having an "open petals" and all the fuses on the conversion beamer especially), but overall I'm much happier with the weapons cards for these guns than I was for the Acastus Asterius.  

I'm really pleased with the Warlord Graviton and the Reaver Conversion Beamer in particular.  Warhound Grav might see more use once the Warhound missile pods come out though.  Conversion Beamers are interesting, given the hot/cold firing modes based on range, and the Warlord version really relies on you keeping your opponent across the table.  Single shot gravs don't impress me much, about as much as the Neutron Laser is a similarly unreliable weapon on the Warhound, but reliable ranged concussive is a nice little threat to bring when your opponent is going heavy on Knights.

Most recently, I spent July 2023 working on a conversion that got a good hit of paint in August 2023, a Warbringer carapace Graviton Ruinator:

Rolling this in reverse from completed weapon to cut up base parts, but now I have an option for a carapace sniper cannon as opposed to pieplate city when I take out my Warbringers (with opponents' permission, of course).

I also worked on a BattleBling carapace Plasma Annihilator for fun:

I'm also in the early stages of working on a carapace Conversion Beam Extirpator, stay tuned for more on that guy...

So that gets me up to date on Legio Tempestus over the past year.  Next post will cover the Legio Gryphonicus force I started, and then I'll show off all the Shieldbash work I did in Fall of 2022 to round out my True Atronians.

Now, I can finally update my Taccoms hobby log too! ;)
